New Altar Table. Constructed by Fr. John and his sons Christopher and Nathaniel.  The material covering was handmade by Fr. John's and Matushka Nina's daughter, Miriam. Click here for some construction details.
New Ecclesiastical Additions to the Church of the Assumption in Stafford, VA

(Click on thumbnails next to each caption for a larger view)
Close-up view.  Click here for some construction details
Closer view of the Last Supper.   The Last Supper consists of over 800 individual pieces cut from different exotic woods.   With the exception of the white table cloth, all the woods are their natural colors which were then  coated with laquer.  Each piece was meticulously cut, shaped and fitted to ensure no gaps between the pieces.  It took a year to complete just this phase of the Altar Table.
Side view of the Altar Table.
New Commemoration Table ("panikhidni stolik") constructed by Fr. John.
Close-up of the Commemoration Table.  All sides of the table were veneered with elm-burl and intricate hand-made carvings made out of lindenwood were added in addition to the hand made crosses.
Icon stand for St. John of Kronstadt constructed by Fr. John.

Contained in the enclosed glass covered frame are the actual Gospel and Cross used by St.John of Kronstadt.
Close-up view of St. John of Kronstadt.  Relics of his actual vestments are depicted here.  St. John of Kronstadt is the patron Saint of Fr. John.
New Table of Oblation
Tabernacle constructed by Fr. John.  Some of the exotic woods that were used were bubinga, padauk, bird's eye maple and olive wood from lebanon was used for the corner turnings.  The miniature cupolas were turned on a lathe and gilded with 24 kt gold leaf.
Crucifix of our Lord.  Rock base and cross constructed by Fr. John